SA-Inn Hotel is a perfect base from
which to explore Nagano.


SA-Inn Hotel is a perfect base from
which to explore Nagano.

More spacious and comfortable than business hotels!
Because it is easy to access tourist attractions from the hotel, Train, bus, rental car.
You can get to the sights any way you like.

Our Hotel

Popular amenit

Popular amenities

Free WiFi
There is an iPad in the room.
Furniture and appliances are available.

Spacious and relaxing space

Spacious and relaxing space

All rooms 30 sq.m. or more
three-quarter bed

From hotel use to long-termstays

From hotel use to long-term stays

Ideal for sightseeing and business.
No curfew after check-in as the front desk
is unmanned!

You can choose yourlanguage

You can choose your language
